Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Effect of War on Disadvantaged Groups - 3575 Words

The Effect of War on Disadvantaged Groups/Minorities (Thesis Sample) Content: The effect of war on disadvantaged groups/minoritiesName:Course:Institution:Instructor:Date:The effect of war on disadvantaged groups/minoritiesAmerica has been involved in many wars and in most of these conflicts, the disadvantaged groups such as women, children, and minority groups have suffered severely (Hixson, 2003). No matter how much opportunities the government provides to the minority groups, the effect of the war has greater negative impacts on these people. For instance, these minority groups are seldom caught up in the fighting, and are taken as hostage or act as a shield by the enemy. Since World War 2, America has fought in various wars, but the current combat is the War on Terror in the Middle East. Although this war has driven away militia groups and assisted in creating peaceful societies where minority groups have vast opportunities, the war has caused equal pain and many limited opportunities to these people. This thesis seeks to discuss the effect of war on minority people and groups during American wars. Second World WarWomen, children, and minority races often become casualties of war whenever there is war domestically, or internationally. During the Second World War, America attacked Japan with nuclear bombs at Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. The effect of these nuclear bombs is still felt up to date as people are born with physical and mental defects (Hixson, 2003). Americas nuclear bomb attack on Japan is one of the many American wars that triggered a lot of changes and pushed the world to adopt strict laws against the use of nuclear weapons (Hixson, 2003). Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings left many people dead, other maimed and nuclear bomb contaminated water, land and air. Seventy years since the end of World War 2, Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities are still facing a lot of health and economic problems. Thus, Americas wars have limited the opportunities of minority groups more than it has benefited these people (Hixson, 2003) . One of outcome and the American experience in this war was the formation of United Nations Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons NPT (, 1995). America changed the approach of its war tactics and pushed for other nations under United Nations to cease the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons effect on Japan shows how these weapons can be fatal especially in the wrong hands such as terrorists. For instance, after 70 years, Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki communities are still experiencing health issues from the radiation in the environments, and this is a negative effect of the American war. Following these adverse effects of nuclear war, America is often in the forefront in the fight against the manufacture of nuclear weapons in Iraq, Iran, and North Korea (Hixson, 2003). From the Second World War 2, America has refrained from using its nuclear power to protect minority groups who are affected severely during wars. For example, if America was to wa ge war with a nuclear power nation like Russia, the aftermath can be disastrous. It can result in social, political and economic problems, and most disadvantaged groups may suffer more. The art of using nuclear bombs on Japan may have terminated the war through the collapse of Japanese empire control in Asia. However, the effect of Americas nuclear bomb still haunts these communities even in the 21st century since Nuclear weapons have high radiation on vegetations, and water (Hixson, 2003). The main reason American went into Second World War was to defeat Axis forces; Japan, Germany, and Italy to ensure that all nations were free. The Axis nations wanted to ruin the sovereignty of other democratic nations, and American led the Allied power to end this political, social, and economic injustices. The war ended in favor of the Allied forces and the birth of America and Russia as world super power. America has ever since pushed for world governments to uphold the sovereignty of others and respect political, social, and economic structures of other independent nations (Hixson, 2003). Through United Nations forces, America ensures that women, children, and other disadvantaged people are protected. America involvement in the Second World War has changed a lot of things such as American supremacy in the world. Today, America and United Nations forces often get involved in civil wars to restore order and protect minority groups, as well as, to enhance political and economic balances. However, despite the noble actions, American military have in many cases been accused of getting into war for malicious intention. War on Terror in the Middle East is often termed as a cover story. Political scientists argue that the main reason for going to this war is in the interest of Middle Easts oil deposits (Hixson, 2003). Consequently, America acts as the guardian of the world keeping law and order on world governments. For example, America took part in the Gulf War when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The rationale for Americas participation n the 1990-1991 war was to protect the people of Kuwait and avoid a bloody war. Hence, some aspects of American involvement in world wars are the same since America seeks to restore order and protect minority groups at all cost. However, there are many undesired results that emanate from these wars since most minority groups are adversely affected during wars. For instance, women, child and other minority groups die, starve and others suffer from severe mental problems due to war, and violence exposure. America have been involved in other wars since world war 2, but the military forces have refrained from using nuclear bombs in honor of the UN Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons Treat ( 1995). In the recent War on Terror in the Middle East, America spearheaded the hunt for Osama bin Laden and other extremists who are willing to use weapons to destroy America. Middle East invasion have been highly condemned in Ameri ca and has led to the withdrawal of American forces. Conversely, this war has had an impact on the politics, economy and the social life aspect in both nations. More so, American wars have become limited since the military has a limited purpose to accomplish in their war. For instance, the during the Iraq war, one of the limited purpose was to overthrow Saddam Hussein because America viewed him as a threat. Most of America wars have changed to serve political and economic plans. The rival nations or governments are neutralized by smaller units who collaborate with allies like in the Libyan war. NATO forces worked together to defeat and overthrow the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 (Toaldo, 2013). One thing is certain in all American wars internationally, America is vocal when it comes to fighting injustices in the world. However, the approach America take differs from one war to the other. In the Cold War, America did not get involved but financed its allies to fight against Russian communists allies.Cold WarThis war erupted after the end of Second World War as America and Russia fought silently for world supremacy. Though this war did not entail the use of direct physical force, both sides employed a new approach of war psychology. This conflict has changed how American approaches wars without necessary engaging in military combat. For instance, America assisted ally nations in fighting against Russias ally nations. The outcome of the Cold War had mixed outcomes since there is no victor or loser. Rather, these fighting affected the lives of many minority groups, which the America fought to defend. Although Cold War ended with America being the only superpower, the lives of many people were ruined (Dudziak, 2000).Thus, war has had a negative effect on minority groups because these people suffer more than they gain from the war. The best experience from the Cold War is that American government realized that for America democracy to thrive, an y sought of discrimination had to end. The passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 ushered in a new era where all minority groups had equal rights and freedom irrespective their race, gender, religion, or language. The Cold War experience helped American understand more about their democratic values, and how to uphold them by ending violence and segregation on minority people (Dudziak, 2000).However, the Cold War battles between America and Russia had a setback on American culture, and this affected minority groups. For instance, many Hollywood producers began producing anticommunist movies. These movies affected the lives of many communist refugees who had fled to America after the end of Second World War and Cold War. These minority peoples lives were torn apart by American patriots. Many lives were ruined as many minority people were blacklisted, others were fired, and their civil rights were greatly violated as a result of Cold War cultural battles (Dudziak, 2000).The prima ry attitude that was reflected in this war was the need to uphold American civil rights. Democracy cannot be achieved if minority groups are segregated, and treated as unequal from white- elite groups. Today, America is one of the nations that uphold civil rights, and this social value of the cultural difference from Cold War promoted civil liberties. From the time of Cold War, America has advocated for minority rights and giving these people more opportunities in response to the Constitution. America government ensures that the rights of minority people are observed though the aspect of casualties of war cannot be avoided when there is the war.Civil right movement -a silent war Americas 1960s civil right violations affected many minority groups such as women, children, and Africa Americans. Segregation of black people led to the civil right movement, whic...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Qué hace CBP, NVC en trámites migratorios

Diferentes agencias e instituciones estadounidenses se ocupan de diversos aspectos inmigratorios. Conviene saber quà © hace el USCIS, ICE, CBP, NVC, las Cortes y las embajadas y consulados y, si se està ¡ tramitando un procedimiento migratorio, dirigirse siempre a la institucià ³n correcta. En este artà ­culo se explican quà © hacen la CBP, el NVC, las cortes y las embajadas en asuntos migratorios  y cà ³mo contactarlas. Quà © significa NVC El Centro Nacional de Visas, conocido como NVC por sus visas en inglà ©s, es una agencia que ocupa de los trà ¡mites intermedios en las peticiones de visa de inmigrante para la green card cuando el beneficiario tiene que ir a travà ©s de lo que se conoce como un procedimiento consular. Muchas de estas visas de inmigrante  està ¡n sujetas a una cuota anual. Es decir, aunque està ¡ aprobada la solicitud debe esperarse meses o incluso aà ±os a que exista una visa disponible. Los casos que acumulan mayor retraso son las peticiones de ciudadano a hermano y a hijos casados. Destacar que en esas categorà ­as los retrasos son mayores en algunos paà ­ses como por ejemplo, Mà ©xico. Ello se debe a que son paà ­ses con un alto grado de inmigracià ³n a Estados Unidos y por ley, en un mismo aà ±o fiscal, se limita a un porcentaje el nà ºmero de personas que pueden emigrar en una misma categorà ­a de un mismo paà ­s. El NVC gestiona el paso intermedio despuà ©s de que el USCIS apruebe la peticià ³n de la green card y el consulado o la embajada cite para la entrevista. Esta es la forma de ponerse en contacto con dicha agencia. Es importante destacar que esta agencia, ubicada en Portsmouth, New Hampshire, jamà ¡s recibe en persona a un migrante o a una persona interesada en obtener informacià ³n. Quà © significa CBP La agencia de Proteccià ³n de Aduanas y Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) se dedica a hacer aplicar la ley en materia de inmigracià ³n, aduanas y comercio internacional. Se ocupa de temas tan diversos como detener a los indocumentados que tratan de entrar por a Estados Unidos sin inspeccià ³n. Pertenecen a este cuerpo, que cuenta con un presupuesto anual de casi 13 mil millones de dà ³lares, con 58,000 empleados destacando los mà ¡s de 21,000 dedicados a proteger los 11,100 km de fronteras con Canadà ¡ y Mà ©xico. Està ¡n tambià ©n en aeropuertos, puertos y puestos fronterizos terrestres. La CBP tiene acceso a un sistema de computacià ³n realmente impresionante. En base a sus conocimientos pueden decidir expulsar inmediatamente a un extranjero, incluso a los que tienen visa vigente. Las Cortes migratorias Dentro del sistema judicial federal està ¡n las Cortes que sà ³lo se ocupan de asuntos migratorios como, por ejemplo, el asilo defensivo o procedimientos de deportacià ³n.   Si se tiene un caso migratorio ante una Corte es muy importante entender las demoras, quà © es el Master Calendar, las consecuencias muy graves que puede tener no presentarse a una cita en corte, cà ³mo cambiar de corte de un estado para otro, etc. Destacar que en corte migratoria el migrante contra el que se inicia el procedimiento puede representarse por sà ­ mismo o puede contratar a un abogado, pero que el gobierno nunca paga por un letrado en esta clase de casos. En la actualidad, hay 301 jueces migratorios en primera instancia y hay una corte de apelaciones, ante la cual nunca se presenta el migrante en persona. Es bien sabido que estas cortes està ¡n colapsadas por trabajo, con mà ¡s de 540,000 casos pendientes de resolucià ³n. Finalmente, en este punto de las Cortes migratorias resaltar que en la actualidad se encuentran dentro de los casos prioritarios para deportar los de los migrantes que han sido condenados a deportacià ³n en ausencia, es decir, aquà ©llos que no se presentaron a su cita ni dieron una justificacià ³n razonable por su ausencia. Quà © hacen las embajadas y los consulados Las Embajadas y Consulados de Estados Unidos se ocupan de trà ¡mites tan diversos como, entre otros, proteger a los ciudadanos que se encuentran en el extranjero, gestionar visas de no inmigrante como las de turista y tambià ©n de inmigrante. Tambià ©n se dedican a resolver asuntos como pà ©rdida o expiracià ³n del pasaporte americano o emisià ³n de certificados para hijos de estadounidenses nacidos en el exterior. Incluso para el mismo trà ¡mite cada oficina consular puede tener diferentes requerimientos, por lo que es importante consular en la pà ¡gina web toda la informacià ³n pertinente antes de pedir que se gestione un trà ¡mite o de acudir a la propia embajada o consulado. Por lo general, para acudir a una cita se recomienda llegar un poco antes, no llevar cà ¡maras ni objetos peligros y no ir acompaà ±ado por familiares. El uso de telà ©fonos celulares dentro de los recintos de las misiones diplomà ¡ticas americanas està ¡ restringido. A tener en cuenta Al tratar asuntos migratorios se necesita muy frecuentemente la asesorà ­a de personas con conocimientos especializados. Es muy importante conocer las diferencias entre lo que puede hacer un abogado, un representante acreditado, un consultor y un notario. En todo caso es fundamental evitar ser una và ­ctima de fraude y, si desgraciadamente se ha caà ­do en la mano de personas inescrupulosas, hay que saber que existe la posibilidad de denunciar el fraude. Este artà ­culo es sà ³lo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso particular.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The World Of Internet And Social Media - 2396 Words

Despites their advantages can the Internet and social network be misused to exert political violence? Does and or should it make a different in what political system this is taking place? Introduction There has been a new world created out of technology and that world is now affecting and dictating the functionality of our entire world. This new world is called the world of Internet and social media. The world of Internet and social media has now created a new form of citizen who are called users, and these users uses the Internet and social media to do manage their day-to-day activities. It not just the only day-to-day activities that the Internet and social media are getting involved with, they have also redefined the way we do things including how we react to world events, travel, send messages or information, source for information, where to sell and buy products, how and when to make payment for product purchased, and in fact, in order for patient to get an adequate treatment in the hospital or for student to be taught well in schools by teachers or lecturers these days, an internet is required as well as social media to get feedbacks from the patients and student respectivel y (Dawson, 2015: 15-47). It expedient to note that social networking can only be available on a compatible Internet devices as internet appear to be the only medium through which social network activities can be performed. Also, there is one unique feature that emerges from social media i.e.Show MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects On The World Today Without The Internet1318 Words   |  6 PagesYou have to admit – it’s hard to imagine the world today without the Internet. However, it seems it’s hard just for some us. A recent study from the B2B research firm Clutch, revealed that more than 46% of small businesses in the United States still don’t have a website for their company. Numerous reasons were listed for not having an online presence, for instance, around 12% of small business representatives said that they use social media networks in place of static site. But the most popular reasonRead MoreInternet Is A Tool That Connects People All Around The World Through Social M edia976 Words   |  4 PagesInternet is a tool that connects people all around the world through social media. 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Another side, Side B is some people believe that social media shouldn’t censor what we post because people should accept how in the world it isn’t all nice and fun it can be mean, dangerous and hurtful, but we learn from that and it is much better than knowing and not being scared of what is being posted. Some people believe social media should censor because they believeRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Society1328 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Media â€Å"Those that interact via social media on a daily basis are five times likelier to use tobacco, three times likelier to use alcohol, and twice as likely to use marijuana† (Stein). â€Å"It is important that parents evaluate the sites on which their child wishes to participate to be sure that the site is appropriate for that child’s age† (O keeffe, Clarke-Pearson). Parents and guardians of teens worry about what they do on the internet, while at the same time, the parents aren’t doing theirRead MoreThe Internet And New Media1504 Words   |  7 Pagespossibilities of human interconnection have transformed the internet, as Bill Gates well says, into the meeting place of world population. The outer shell of the internet and all of its services encouraged over time the materialization of many computer programs, with features that help create numerous digital extensions of the man, giving birth to the online generation. This generation is one that does not conceive life without internet or gadgets, such as mobile phones or iPods and that is moreRead MoreThe Effects of the Internet and the Global Media Market Essay1462 Words   |  6 PagesThe creation of the internet dawned a new way of life for the world in which we live. The internet defies time and space and helps make communication easier and extremely fast, it also helps with networking and connecting people from all over the world making the global implications of the internet absolutely fascinating. Because of this new wave of technology people across the globe are able to communicate and do business with one another on a completely different level. This essay will seek toRead MoreSocial Medi Evolution Or A St ep Back1697 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Media: Evolution or A Step Back In a century where we are living in the future, it can be easy to leave things in the past. Techniques of communication have been altered and now technology presents ways to talk to people around the world. People have access to unlimited resources and everyday society is advancing; or is it? Face-to-face communication is the foundation of our societies and what has brought people together since the beginning of time. Something that has been so crucial in theRead MoreA Persuasive Thesis Statement On Youth And The Internet Essay1276 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Kandare Ms. Gallos English 3 May 18, 2015 A Persuasive Thesis Statement on Youth and the Internet Dangers of the Internet, Fact or Fiction? Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. They are our future. So what kind of leaders are we creating? What affects the way our children grow up today? Popular opinion today says that excessive use of the internet is damaging to the youth of the world in many ways. One of the most significant beliefs is that kids today don’t exercise enough because

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mischief, Mayhem, in Tyler We Trust a Textual Analysis of...

Psychological disorders are widely represented in films, as well as in other media texts such as novels, television shows, etc. One film that portrays more than one example of a psychological disorder is Fight Club, a Twentieth Century Fox movie released with an R rating in 1999. Directed by David Fincher; and produced by Art Linson, Cean Chaffin, and Ross Grayson Bell, the movie mainly introduces Dissociative Identity Disorders (also known as Multiple Personality Disorders), but also hints at insomnia and depression. The movie is adapted from the book Fight Club written by Chuck Palahniuk. Fox marketed the movie using a myriad of merchandise, including posters, the soundtrack, and even email addresses ( (CNN).†¦show more content†¦Tyler gives the impression that he lives life to the fullest, and appears to be the complete opposite of Narrator/Jack. When Narrator/Jack returns home after his business trip, he stands below his condo, which he loved and watches as it and all of his beloved material possessions, which made him feel complete burns away. Narrator/Jack thought that he needed all of his expensive material objects to feel complete; because where others obtained these objects for necessity he used them to measure his self-worth. Sociologists call the process of actively creating meaning in this way the ‘social construction of reality. This means that, while reality exists, we must negotiate the meaning of that reality (Croteau Hoynes 7). Left with no place to go, Narrator/Jack first calls Marla but quickly changes his mind at the last moment and contacts Tyler instead. They go out and have some drinks after which Tyler tells Jack that he can stay with him. After agreeing to move in together, in return Tyler asks Jack to hit him as hard as he can. Hesitantly, Narrator/Jack agrees and they end up fighting in the parking lot of the bar which gives both of them a bit of release and happiness. Narrator/Jacks rea ction upon reaching Tylers house, lacking normal electricity and looking as though it may collapse at any second, is one of shock and disgust as it isShow MoreRelated Mischief, Mayhem, In Tyler We Trust: A Textual Analysis of Personality Disorders as Depicted in the Film Fight Club2621 Words   |  11 Pages Psychological disorders are widely represented in films, as well as in other media texts such as novels, television shows, etc. One film that portrays more than one example of a psychological disorder is Fight Club, a Twentieth Century Fox movie released with an R rating in 1999. Directed by David Fincher; and produced by Art Linson, Cean Chaffin, and Ross Grayson Bell, the movie mainly introduces Dissociative Identity Disorders (also known as Multiple Personality Disorders), but also hints at insomnia

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay - 814 Words

When people are born, they are innately evil, having only the primal instincts to survive. However, society attempts to lock those instincts away by casting a burden called rules upon them. In the allegorical text, Lord of the Flies, William Golding depicts a group of boys, stranded on a tropical island, free of civilization. Here he paints an image of what humans really are without the burdens of society. In Golding’s psychological allegory The Lord of the Flies, Jack embodies the ID, someone who acts based on his/her own basic wants and needs, for the sake of establishing his theme: Humans are, no matter the circumstance, evil, and man tries make humans ideal and good through the making of rules and laws. From beginning to end, Golding†¦show more content†¦In the later stages of the novel, when Jack and Ralph argue, Ralph tries to assert the power and authority that the conch, the symbol of law and order holds, in order to speak, however, Jack states, â€Å"You havent got it with you, â€Å" said Jack, sneering. â€Å"You left it behind. See, clever? And the conch doesn’t count on this end if the island—† (Golding 150). Jack’s disregard for civilization can be shown when Ralph attempts to speak by mentioning the conch, the symbol for law and order, and sneers. The fact that he sneers represents how savage Jack has truly become. When Jack is first introduced he encouraged rules:â€Å"We’ll have rules!† he cried excitedly. (Golding 33). He makes fun of the conch the one thing all of the boys on the island agreed, subconsciously, to be the only remnant of society and thus is the reason they listened to Ralph at all: â€Å" Him with th e shell. Ralph! Ralph! Let him be chief with the trumpet-thing.† (Golding 22). In addition to Jack’s complete negligence of the conch, he even promotes and praises savagery. By stating that the conch only counts on one part of the island and not on another insinuates the idea that whatever happens on that side of the island is not governed by law and order but by instinct, lust to kill, and primitive desires. Here Jack divulges in his voracity and his wants, explaining the reason Jack is the ID: he acts based on his mostShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay1094 Words   |  5 Pagesbut, in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding the main character Ralph and the other boys were shot down in a plane crash. Before the plane crash these boys never knew each other. Through the novel they were able to grow close bounds until the effects of having no civilization ended in unfortunate events for some. Ending in deaths of important characters leading to a rescue that many of the boys had given up hope on. Ralph develops from a rational and civilized character to someone who comeRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay750 Words   |  3 Pagesother. Among them. A wild uncivilized gang of boys establishes a great example of anarchy with none to tell them otherwise. They are all alone so no one to turn to in times of violence or disagreeance possibly leading to murder and crime. In Lord of the Flies, Golding represents Simon as the peace and equality in our society he is the one in the book who resorts to compromise rather than conflict such as the way he died with the group completely malling him thus killing him. Simon is the one and onlyRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay718 Words   |  3 PagesHave you ever thought what type of hardships children would deal with when stranded on an island? This question is answered in the story called Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding. The character fo cused on will be a boy named Ralph, a blond boy who is built like a boxer. He, Ralph, is the main character, is perceived as the protagonist, and is seen as the leader. Ralph lead the other children with rudimentary leadership, his obsession with fires, he blew the conch that started everythingRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay1414 Words   |  6 Pages Analysis of Societal Constructs Displayed in LORD â€Å"We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable; that all men are created equal and independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent and inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†. This famous phrase that derives from the Declaration of Independence brought forth notion that of all of humanity is to be acknowledged as equal and are guaranteed rights of life which are toRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay944 Words   |  4 PagesHow does Ralph stand out amongst the other boys? Lord of the Flies ,written by William Golding and created during the Cold War, however it based during World War II. Ralph, a character in the novel who demonstrates an obvious sense of common sense amongst the other boys and due to his perseverance through all his adversities made him stronger amongst the other boys. Ralph believes in the attempt to keep sense and order, accepts the role of leader , and thinks that maintaining the fire remains essentialRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay772 Words   |  4 PagesLord of the Flies is a novel written in 1954 by William Golding. A plane carrying a group of British citizens trying to escape the nuclear war gets shot down and lands on a deserted tropical island. The only survivors are children ranging from the age of six to twelve-year-olds. The younger children are nick named â€Å"littluns† and the older children are nick named â€Å"biguns†. At first, they celebrate their freedom from the war but then they begin to realize there arent any adults to supervise them,Read MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay1784 Words   |  8 Pages Sometimes, looks can be deceiving. Nobody can predict the success of a person simply according to his/her appearance. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the consequences of making the incorrect decision based on one’s looks is revealed. In this nov el, a group of young British boys are stranded on an isolated island with no adults as a result of a plane crash. They must remain civilized and create rules themselves to ensure that order is not lost. To do so, they elect a fair-haired and attractiveRead MoreLord of the Flies: Character Analysis of Ralph Essay613 Words   |  3 PagesImagine a world without order. A world with no leadershipÂâ€"no rationality whatsoever. Take Ralphs character away from the equation and William Goldings Lord of the Flies would be just thatÂâ€"chaos. Being the protagonist of the novel, Ralph is the major representative of civilization, order, and productive leadership. If it werent for Ralphs coordination, determination, and logical thinking, the boys would never be rescued, and would eventually die. As the novel progresses, Ralphs self-confidenceRead MoreLord Of The Flies Simon Character Analysis Essay852 Words   |  4 PagesLord of the Flies: William Golding In Lord of the Flies, Simon shows to be an important role in the story as he uncovers the mystery of the beastie. He is seen to be shy and to himself but soon shows his full brain capability and what he can offer to the group but it goes unnoticed. His personality is unique and shows much potential, as does mine. Both me and Simon are independent, sensitive, and introverted as this presents an idealistic nature. Simon is one to resist the influence of those aroundRead MorePiggy Character Analysis - Lord of the Flies Essay985 Words   |  4 PagesIn every piece of literature there is always one character that stands out to me. Coincidentally, the characters I usually choose to admire are the weak, unpopular, failure types. In the book â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding the character that stood out to me most was Piggy. He was the boy whose real name was never mentioned, but his real name wouldn’t be as symbolic as the nickname he had throughout the book. Throughout the earlier chapters I pictured Piggy as the run of the mill loser that

Do God Exist Free Essays

Thesis Statements 1. Because of man’s ignorance and curiosity, arguments for the existence of God have been made over the years. Basically, these arguments are divided into two large groups i. We will write a custom essay sample on Do God Exist ? or any similar topic only for you Order Now e. logical and metaphysical. Actually, these arguments seek to prove that the existence of a being or having faith with at least one attribute that only God could have is logically necessary. 2. Believing and having faith in God will only resort to one thing—goodness. 3. Faith has something to do with one’s conception about God. 4. The existence of God remains a matter of faith since it’s difficult to â€Å"prove† God to someone who does not believe. . There are arguments that attempts to give information of what they know about the existence of God. And that’s it. It is now our choice if we believe or not but the important thing is we must hold on in our faith. Read more:  http://ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2010/02/thesis-statements-results-of-having-faith-in-god. html#ixzz2CwZzjm00 4 Primary Arguments for God’s Existence Written by Michael Vlach. Perhaps the hottest topic in all of philosophy concerns the existence of God. Thus the question—â€Å"Does God exist? † Our answer to this question affects how we view the world, how we behave, and what we expect for the future. If God exists, then we are probably accountable to this God. The universe may have meaning and purpose. Plus, our own existence may not cease at physical death. If God does not exist, however, then we are probably here by chance and are not accountable to some transcendent being. This life may be all we have, so live your life however you see fit and enjoy it. Traditionally, there have been four major arguments for God’s existence: (1) the cosmological argument; (2) the teleological argument; (3) the ontological argument; and (4) the moral law argument. Below are explanations of each of the arguments and the common responses to them. 1. Cosmological Argument The term â€Å"cosmological† comes from the Greek word â€Å"kosmos† which means â€Å"world. † The cosmological argument for God’s existence goes like this: The world could not exist on its own so there must have been a first cause that brought it into being. This first cause is God. Or put another way, the universe could not just exist on its own—someone or something must have made it. This cause of the universe is God. Three criticisms of the cosmological argument have been offered. First, some say matter is eternal and is not in need of a â€Å"first cause. † Second, some say â€Å"If everything needs a cause, what caused God? † Third, some say that even if it is true that some being caused our universe to exist, this does not prove the existence of the Christian God. All it shows is that there is some powerful being that created the universe, but this does not necessarily mean that this creator was the God of the Bible. 2. Teleological Argument The teleological argument is also known as â€Å"the argument from design† (The Greek word â€Å"telos† means â€Å"purpose† or â€Å"design. †). The argument goes like this: The universe evidences great complexity or design; thus, it must have been designed by a great Designer or God. The argument from design can be likened to a watch. A watch is obviously made by a watchmaker. The world, which is much more complex than a watch, must also have been designed by a great Designer or Divine Watchmaker (God). In sum, the teleological argument asserts that the universe evidences too much complexity to be the product of random chance. We know that the celestial bodies move with perfect accuracy in their orbits. Our bodies, too, are incredibly complex. According to the teleological argument, there’s just no way all this complexity could â€Å"just happen. † God must have created it all. There have been three responses to the teleological argument. First, some say the teleological argument is guilty of a â€Å"weak analogy† because it assumes a significant resemblance between natural objects (ex. rocks, trees) and objects we know have been designed (ex. watches, skyscrapers). Thus, comparing natural objects with objects we know have been created by humans is like comparing apples and oranges. The analogy just doesn’t work. Second, some say that the theories of the big bang and evolution better explain the complexity in the universe. Third, some say that even if the teleological argument is true, it does not prove the existence of the Christian God. 3. Ontological Argument The third argument for God’s existence is the ontological argument. This argument is unlike the cosmological and teleological arguments in that it does not argue from evidence in the natural world. Thus, it is not a â€Å"cause and effect† argument. The ontological argument can be stated in this way: â€Å"God is the greatest being imaginable. One of the aspects of perfection or greatness is existence. Thus, God exists. † Or put another way—â€Å"The fact that God can be conceived means that he must exist. † This argument for God’s existence was developed by the twelfth century theologian and philosopher, Anselm. It is based on Anselm’s declaration that God is â€Å"that which nothing greater can be conceived. † The ontological argument has been very controversial. Even many who believe in God’s existence question its validity. A contemporary of Anselm named Guanilo responded to Anselm. Guanilo said that one could imagine a perfect island but that did not mean a perfect island exists. Others have said you can imagine a unicorn but that does not mean unicorns exist. Thus, many challenge the idea that the idea of God must mean that God exists. 4. Moral Law Argument Another argument for the existence of God is the moral law argument. It goes like this: Without God morality would be impossible. There must be a Lawgiver (God) who originates and stands by moral law. A universal moral law cannot exist accidentally. There must be a basis behind it—God. According to this view, every person is born with an inherent understanding of right and wrong. Everyone, for instance, understands that killing an innocent person is wrong. Everyone understands that helping a drowning person is right. Where did this internal understanding of right and wrong come from? According to adherents of the moral law argument, this understanding comes from God. He put it into the hearts of every person. There have been two responses to the moral law argument. First, some deny that there are universal truths. Many today believe that truth is subjective and relative. Societies and individuals determine what is true for them, but there is no God that does this. Second, some say that the presence of evil in the world argues against a Moral Lawgiver. If God is all-powerful and all-good, how can evil exist in the world? The arguments and counterarguments for God’s existence remain controversial. The cosmological, teleological, and moral law arguments remain popular with Christian apologists today. The ontological argument is not as well received although some today still asserts its validity. It should be noted that most Christian theologians and philosophers believe that God never intended for his existence to be something that could be proven with 100% certainty. They point out that faith is an important component in understanding God and his existence. Arguments  for and against the  existence of God  have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others for thousands of years. Inphilosophical  terms, arguments for and against the existence of  God  involve primarily the sub-disciplines of  epistemology  (theory of knowledge) andontology  (nature of god) and also the  theory of value, since concepts of perfection are connected to notions of God. The debate concerning the existence of God is one of the oldest and most discussed debates in  human history. A wide variety of arguments exist which can be categorized asmetaphysical,  logical,  empirical, or  subjective. The existence of God is subject to lively debate in philosophy,[1]  the  philosophy of religion, and  popular culture. The Western tradition of the existence of God began with  Plato  and  Aristotle, who made arguments for God’s existence that would now be categorized as  cosmological arguments. Later,  Epicurus  formulated the  problem of evil: if God is  omnipotent,  omniscient  and  omnibenevolent, why does evil exist? The field of  theodicy  arose from attempts to answer this question. Other thoughts about the existence of God have been proposed by  St. Anselm, who formulated the first  ontological argument;  Ibn Rushd (Averroes)  and  Aquinas, who presented their own versions of the cosmological argument (thekalam  argument  and the  first way), respectively;  Descartes, who said that the existence of a benevolent God was  logically necessary  for the evidence of the senses to be meaningful; and  Immanuel Kant, who argued that the existence of God can be deduced from the existence of  good. Thinkers who have provided arguments against the existence of God include  David Hume, Kant,  Nietzsche  and  Bertrand Russell. In modern culture, the question of God’s existence has been discussed by philosophers and scientists such as  Stephen Hawking,  Richard Dawkins,  Daniel Dennett,  Richard Swinburne,William Lane Craig, and  Alvin Plantinga. Atheists maintain that arguments for the existence of God show insufficient reason to believe. Certain  theists  acknowledge that belief in the existence of God may not be amenable to demonstration or refutation, but rests on  faith  alone, a position called  fideism. The  Catholic Church  maintains that knowledge of the existence of God is available in the â€Å"natural light of human reason† alone. [2]  Other religions, such as  Buddhism, do not concern themselves the existence of gods at all. Does God Exist? by  Tawa Anderson Is there a God? 1  How can you be  sure  that God exists? Can you  prove  to me that God is real? Does the existence (or lack thereof) of God make any significant difference? Was Nietzsche right in declaring: â€Å"God is dead! †? These questions strike at the very heart of human existence, and cry out for our personal attention and deliberation. Furthermore, these questions must be answered before we can inquire into the truth of Christianity. After all, if there is no God, then Jesus certainly isn’t God in the flesh! If there is no God, there is no Christian faith worth considering. In this brief essay, I will share three persuasive clues (traditionally called arguments or proofs) that point to the existence of God. This is not an apologetic for  Christianity, but rather for basic  theism  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ an argument that God exists, not an argument that the  Christian  God is real. God Exists God must exist because something must have caused the first moment in time and that something is God. This is summarized by, Saint  Thomas Aquinas  in his theory of cause. He presented five arguments for the existence of god in his masterwork the  Summa Theologiae. In the argument about casualty he stated the following premises: 1. The  natural world  includes events that occur. 2. In thenatural world, every event has a cause, and no event causes itself. 3. In the  natural world, causes must precede their effects. 4. In the  natural world, there are no infinite cause/effect chains. 5. Hence there is an  entity outside  of nature (a supernatural being), which causes the first event that occurs in the world. In our  finite world  of existence, an event cannot cause itself, and if there is no first cause, there would not be any effects. So, God is the first cause. God must exist since all his premises are all in support of his conclusion that the first cause is God. An atheist is likely to say that the Big Bang was the first cause, but Aquinas’s premises and conclusion will refute this theory, as we will view later. I agree with this theory of cause, because I believe that our existence could How to cite Do God Exist ?, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How Seamus Heaney presents childhood in Death of a naturalist and Mid term break Essay Example For Students

How Seamus Heaney presents childhood in Death of a naturalist and Mid term break Essay The poet Seamus Heaney is describing to incidents from childhood. Mid term break depicts the sombre affair of a childs death. Death of a naturalist on the other hand tells us of a happy event. Although the two poems are written by Seamus Heaney they are not alike, death of a naturalist for example is about a boy and his interest in nature at school. Mid term break tells us about a young boy and his brother dying in his family. The narrators of both poems are young boys who are both describing an incident from the past. The narrator of death of a naturalist is describing a nature lesson at school and is linking nature to growing up e. g. describing the tadpoles turning into frogs. Mid term break is totally the opposite the narrator is a young lad from a big family and his brother has died he describes his feelings and the hardship he and his family are going through. At the beginning of Death of a Naturalist the mood starts quite low and down putting it uses word such as festered, heavy headed, rotten, sweltered and punishing. The poem opens with an evocation of a summer landscape which has the immediacy of an actual childhood experience. There is also a sense of exploration in in the heart/Of the townland; which is consistent with the idea of learning and exploration inevitably leading to discovery and the troubled awareness of experience. It gives a bad image of childhood because you could relate festered in my heart, heavy headed, daily it sweltered in the sun all to humans all too us. These all make out that childhood is bad and is not a good atmosphere for us growing up. The atmosphere in the poem Mid Term Break is of an unease and discomfort. It is as if the poet is in shock he sees clearly the things around him and almost as if sleepwalking notes them in a daze but cannot make sense of anything. He notices the baby too young to comprehend what is happening he is cooing happily and rocking in its pram. The content sounds of the baby a new life acts as a jolting counterpoint to the grief-stricken silence in the room. Sitting the in the college sick bay counting bells kneeling classes too a close. One important word in the opening paragraph is kneeling because it means bringing classes to a close. kneeling also evokes remembrances of funerals linking this to the dark cold room of the sick bay. There are other sounds that help make mid term Break affective for example metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration and assonance. Death of a Naturalist is concerned with growing up and loss of innocence. The poet vividly describes a childhood experience that precipitates a change in the boy from the receptive and protected innocence of childhood to the fear and uncertainty of adolescence. Heaney organises his poem in two sections, corresponding to the change in the boy. By showing that this change is linked with education and learning, Heaney is concerned with the inevitability of the progression from innocence to experience, concerned with the transformation from the unquestioning child to the reflective adult. The poem recreates and examines the moment of the childs confrontation with the fact that life is not what it seems. The experience transforms the boys perception of the world. No longer is it a place for unquestioning sensuous delight. It is a dynamic world of uncertainty. this is an extract from another descriptive piece of writing by andrew mayers he help show to show growing up and a loss of innocense. The success of the poem derives from the effective way Heaney builds up a totally convincing account of a childhood experience that deals with the excitement, pain and confusion of growing up. .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba , .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .postImageUrl , .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba , .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:hover , .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:visited , .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:active { border:0!important; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:active , .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucbf38d4730eaf9872530fc594c49dbba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Victorian Poetry C EssayThere are many mataphors in both poems there is one extended methphor in death of a naturalist which is simpely sensational it help give us an image of what the poem is about. The major extended methphor is about growing up and leaving behind the innocence of childhood. Although there is no similar extended methphor in Mid Term Break There is a high overall imperession of childhood. The boy does not know how to respond to the men and does not understand properly what is going on. The silence in the poem is broken again in the second line when whispers start to happen. Also, this shows the men do not know how to respond to the boy and probably paused to find the best way of saying it to the boy: Whispers informed strangers I was the eldest Always at school, as my mother held my hand This shows how the silence is broken as people inform strangers that the poet is the eldest. This indicates that he is or was not the only child and maybe the person who died was his brother or sister. It shows he does not like to be the oldest as he has a lot of responsibility. What the poet is going through, as a boy is what most people go through as an adult. It shows he is making the transition from being a boy into an adult man. Also it shows that he goes to boarding school as he stays away at school. The significance of the poppy bruise snowdrops and a candle flame are that take the flame on the candle that signifies new life and that the boy or girl is happy and is in a peaceful place. The narrator saves the information about a boy till the end because it creates suspense and makes you want to reed on to find out what is going to happen. Also it makes the poem look better and it gives the reader more time to think about the ending. The ending of death of a naturalist is a happy and sad ending it is very describing of the frogs and the atmosphere around himself he also uses wonderful metaphors such as slime kings croaking and I dipped my hand the spawn would clutch it. Mid term break however ends miserable it describes the brother or sister that has died and how it happened the end I really were you find out what has really happened to the boy/girl. The mood is quite low and makes you sad. Death of a Naturalist ends happy though with you really finding out that everything is about childhood and growing up The poem recreates and examines the moment of the childs confrontation with the fact that life is not what it seems. The experience transforms the boys perception of the world. No longer is it a place for unquestioning sensuous delight. It is a dynamic world of uncertainty. The success of the poem derives from the effective way Heaney builds up a totally convincing account of a childhood experience that deals with the excitement, pain and confusion of growing up. The final line stands out on its own. Almost every word is emphasized so that the reader must take in the lines message and the shock and deep grief that the family must have felt. There is an element of shock for the reader reading it for the first time also, when they discover who has died and that he was a mere four years old. This quote/extract is from Andrew Mayers account of Seamus Heaney he hive a strong paragraph on the moment of the childs confrontation. Mid term break is an incredibly sad poem. The mood is set almost immediately in the second line: Counting bells knelling classes to a close. .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd , .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .postImageUrl , .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd , .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:hover , .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:visited , .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:active { border:0!important; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:active , .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue256af2dfe3ab6570458e482b9dce3cd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Listeners - Atmosphere EssayNotice how Heaney uses assonance and alliteration to emphasize the funereal sound of the bells and the feeling of time dragging. I love both of these two poems I think personally that mid term break I better as it offers a lot more in the way of emotion and feelings I love the use of symbolism in the poem. The poppy bruise standing for violent and untimely death just ties in so well. love this poem, as it echoes the different stages of grief. From the disbelief of it all, to when it finally sets in that his baby brother has died. I like the way Heaney has used the imagery of his brother simply being asleep. As he finds it hard to understand that his brother, a young boy with his whole life ahead of him, has been hit by a car and killed. Death of a naturalist is also an excelent piece of poetry too as Death of a Naturalist is concerned with growing up and loss of innocence. The poet vividly describes a childhood experience that precipitates a change in the boy from the receptive and protected innocence of childhood to the fear and uncertainty of adolescence. I could realte mid term break because my grandad was killed by a car a few years ago.

Black Panther Party Research Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Black Panther Party Research Essay, Research Paper Guns, Social Welfare, and Revolution: The Black Panther Party In late September of 1966, at a little poorness centre in North Oakland, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale began to outline the Ten-Point Platform and Program, therefore making the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. From this creative activity rose a complex patriot organisation with chapters throughout the United States that sought to educate the people politically, and from that instruction give the people the desire to ramp a revolution in order to hold their demands and political docket fulfilled. The Black Panther Party was the prototype of the patriot option throughout the late sixties and 70s, and they had the demand to make alteration within what they believed to be the racist power construction of the United States. The Black Panther Party was able to form the people, and take portion in actions that would assist to implement societal alteration. The Panthers created timeserving plans for the Black young person in order to assist construct up the community. In add-on, the Panthers besides staged many presentations and protests that non merely brought together the Black community, but besides benefited the cause of equal rights. Despite all of the good facets that the Black Panther Party brought to the Black community and civil rights motion ( or possibly because of these facets ) , the F.B.I. and United States authorities believed the Panthers to be one of the United States greatest internal jobs. In hindsight, it becomes obvious that the US power construction was flawed in their apprehension of the Black Panther Party and their ends. Yet, in malice of this misinterpretation, the Black Panther Party was able to somewhat forestall the authorities s flawed manner of analyzing political groups to predominate into the hereafter by agencies of the Panther s bequest. The Black Panther Party was created on the belief that the Unite d States was structurally racist, and that this racism was trying to genocide the Black race. The Black Panther Party believed that to antagonize this racism, they needed to destruct the power construction, and replace it with a merely system of authorities. Racism was non merely some self-conceived impression taken up among the members of the Black Panther Party. Racism had been happening in America by agencies of the slave trade even before the United States was called the United States. With the terminal of bondage, it was expected that Blacks would be able to incorporate into the remainder of American society and be provided with the warrants of all work forces populating in the United States as determined by the Constitution. However, it was non expected that the white community would be as opposed to this alteration as they were. The ultimate signifier of racism was portrayed in the White supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan. This group terrorized Black people throughout the South, every bit good as any sympathisers of the Black battle. In 1930 Dr. Arthur Raper was commissioned to bring forth a study on lynching, at the clip a much excessively frequent pattern in the South. He discovered that there were 3,724 people reported lynches in the United States from 1889 through to 1930. Over four-fifths of the peopled that were lynched were Negroes, and less than one-sixth of whom were accused of colza. Practically all of the lynchers were Whites. Of the 10s of 1000s of lynchers and looker-ons, merely 49 were indicted and merely 4 have been sentenced. In 1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused to back up an anti-lynching measure because he argued that the white electors in the South would neer forgive him and decline to vote for him at the following election. The tolerance that the constabulary and the authorities had for lynching showed the disregard of the President and Congress in doing appropriate statute law and implementing that statute law to halt the pattern of lynching. As the laden began to contend back against the oppressors throughout the Civil Rights motion, the pattern of lynching began to slowly lessening, nevertheless, the force against Blacks persisted. Thirty old ages after Dr. Raper s study on lynches, rabble force and constabulary ferociousness against Blacks still occurred on a regular basis in the United States ; the authorities was still non looking out for Black Americans. In 1966, police ferociousness was a job in many countries of the state. The freshly formed Black Panther Party for Self Defense sent a strong message in turn toing this job: they wanted constabularies ferociousness to halt, and to make this they proposed the maneuver of self-defence. The thought of self-defense, along with the group s chauvinistic positions is portrayed in the Black Panther Party s ten-point plan. The Ten-Point Program was based on simplenesss that any citizen of the United States would want. Composed by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, the Ten-Point Program became a cardinal constituent in the organisation of the group. The plan stresses freedom for those who were being oppressed, and an terminal to the inhibitory authorities. The Program besides strongly advocated the usage of guns for self-defence and stressed the 2nd Amendment. With 1000s of transcripts of the Ten-Point Program in manus, Newton, Seale, and Bobby Hutton went throughout the Black community jointing the Program to the people, garnering support. The three so went on to put up the 1st official central office of the Black Panther Party in North Oakland. After the creative activity of this office in Northern Oakland, involvement in the Black Panther Party began to increase throughout Oakland ; subsequently this involvement spread on a national degree, with chapters in 48 provinces, and a few international chapters every bit good. The Black Panther Party was in all facets of the term, a nationalist group. The Panthers felt that the authorities was incapable of supplying a merely authorities for all work forces, peculiarly Black work forces, and that the authorities should be replaced with a system that could see justness. The Black Panther Party s Ten-Point Program accurately inside informations this end. The Ten-Point Program was a basic desire for Black America to acquire what White America was granted without inquiry, and what Black America had been deprived of. The Programs demands were simple: freedom to find the fate of Black communities, full employment, an terminal to development of Black communities by Capitalists, nice lodging, wellness attention, an terminal to patrol ferociousness, an terminal to war, and tests for Blacks with a Black jury as opposed to an all White jury. To be granted these demands, the Ten-Point Program provinces, it is their [ the Black community s ] right, it is their responsib ility, to throw off such authorities, and to supply new guards for their future security. The Ten-Point Program and Platform boldly called for an overthrow of the authorities, and encouraged people to take up weaponries to protect themselves against these fascist constabulary forces. The Panther s were recommending radical alteration, and the people were listening. One of the grounds that the Black Panther Party was able to garner and keep so much support throughout the Black community was because they were genuinely concerned with breaking the community. Before the sta rt of the party, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale were both involved in the North Oakland Neighborhood Anti-Poverty Center. At this centre Newton was a community organiser, while Seale was the chief of a young person work undertaking. This experience in working with the community doubtless helps to explicate why most of the societal plans that the Black Panther Party developed were so successful. The plans created by the Black Panther Party, which were operated by Party members, were referred to as SPR or survival pending revolution. The first such plan was the Free Breakfast for Children Program. At its tallness, the plan was a immense success, feeding 200,000 kids daily. The plan started in a Catholic church in the Fillmore territory of San Francisco, so spread to every major metropolis in America where there was a Party chapter. Other societal services that the Black Panther Party began to supply were free wellness clinics, food market giveaways, the fabrication and distribution of fre e places, school and instruction plans, senior conveyance and service plans, free bussing to prisons and prisoner support plans, and legal assistance plans, among many others. For the most portion, these plans were all successful in supplying Blacks and other minorities with much needed societal services. Some plans were so successful, such as the Free Breakfast for Children Program, that the authorities was forced to follow similar plans throughout the state. Peoples within Black and White Communities began to recognize that the Black Panther Party was more than a clump of Black work forces with guns ; people began to recognize that the Black Panther Party could supply some replies to jobs within the community. Despite being criticized by the FBI as transporting out a Communist docket with SPR, the Black Panther Party was able to set together over 35 societal plans for the improvement of the community. Not merely was the Black Panther Party was able to supply many societal benefits for the community ; the Black Panther Party was besides highly active in the Black political battle and release motion. The Panther s called for an terminal to subjugation and offered revolution as an option. They were able to politically educate and form immature Blacks who were willing to contend for the party. In Oakland, the Black Panther Party invariably patrolled the hogs with guns in an effort to forestall constabulary ferociousness. The Panthers educated themselves on every gun jurisprudence on the books and were able to avoid being arrested in most instances ; nevertheless, in some cases, members of the Black Panther Party were arrested merely for the fact that they were Black work forces with guns. A polar event for the Black Panther Party occurred due to patrol over exerting their power and hassling Huey P. Newton and Bobby Hutton because they had guns. The result of Newton and Hutton s confro ntation with the constabulary left Hutton and a police officer dead, and landed Newton behind bars for manslaughter. The resulting Free Huey motion brought together the community every bit much as any other action that the Black Panthers took portion in. Young Whites, angry at America over the Vietnam War, joined immature urban Blacks in mass meetings to intone in unison: Free Huey! The laden combat back against his oppressors was a message that any adult male, Black or White, could appreciate. The will of the people in their battle to liberate Huey was able to assist Huey Newton acquire out of gaol three old ages after his apprehension, acquitted of all charges. Another case when the Black Panther s used their power to act upon political relations was when a group of Black Panthers, led by Bobby Seale, stormed into the California State Legislature to protest a gun-control measure. The group delivered their message to the legislative assembly, and was subsequently arrested in path b ack to Oakland. All of the members arrested spent a short clip in gaol for upseting the peace, but were neer convicted of any offense. The fact of the affair was that the Black Panther Party made their political voice heard. Despite being arrested and imprisoned, the message that the Panther s were seeking to acquire across was heard, and there was no manner that the White power construction could halt it. With the formation of the Black Panther Party and their chauvinistic positions within Ten-Point Program and Platform, the Black Panther Party had an enemy. The group that opposed the Black Panther Party the most was the F.B.I. The F.B.I. Director, J. Edgar Hoover, called the Black Panther Party the greatest menace to the internal security of the U.S. The F.B.I. viewed the formation of societal plans by the Black Panther Party as forcing a Communist docket. Alternatively of dissecting the message that the Black Panther Party was seeking to acquire across, the power construction could merely see Black work forces with guns. The F.B.I. made it a end to stop the organisation of the Black Panther Party in 1969. The most utile arm that the F.B.I. had in their armory to destruct the Black Panther Party was a counterintelligence plan competently name COINTELPRO. Through the usage of this plan the F.B.I. was able to destruct the party by agencies of its field offices and the aid of local cons tabulary. These bureaus frequently were involved in covert activities that involved slaying and mayhem. With the slayings and apprehensions of much of the hierarchy of the Black Panther organisation, the party began to easy demise throughout the seventies. A brief resurgence occurred in 1977 when Huey Newton returned to Oakland after several old ages of expatriate, but internal struggle within the party and continued F.B.I. activities brought the Party to an about nonexistent province by the 1980s. The Black Panther Party was founded on the thought that the power construction of the United States was racialist, and that it needed to be replaced. In trying to accomplish this end of revolution, the Panthers were able to construct up the community to convey people together, and allow their voice be heard. Many of the societal plans that the Panthers implemented have survived into the present twenty-four hours. Despite the best attempts of the F.B.I. to destruct the Jaguars and their ideals, the Panthers bequest of Black political power and community service will populate on forever. Plants Cited Black 3Community Bulletin: San Francisco Edition. Black Panther Party, Ministry of Information. August 1970. Chemical bond, Julian. A Time to Speak, A Time to Act: The Movement in Politics. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972. Cagno and Lolley. The Bequest of the Black Panthers. . Hilliard, Daivd. This Side of Glory: The Autobiography of David Hilliard and the Story of the Black Panther Party. Boston: Small Brown, 1993. Jones, Charles E. The Black Panther Party Reconsidered. Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1998. Marine, Gene. The Black Panthers. New York: New American Library, 1979. Schanche, Don A. The Panther Paradox: A Liberal s Dilemma. New York: David McKay Company, Inc. , 1970. Spartacus Education. 9 April 2001 The Black Panther Party and its Annihilation by COINTELPRO. . The Huey P. Newton Foundation. .